CSGC Constitution


The purpose of this Council shall be:

  1. to provide for the administration of the activities of Graduate Students within this Council
  2. to promote the unity and welfare of Graduate Students within this Council
  3. to serve and further the intellectual, cultural, and social activities of Graduate Students within this Council
  4. to promote and maintain communication with Graduate Students within the Graduate Students’ Association of the University of Saskatchewan


All Graduate Students within the Department of Computer Science are included in this Council.


Currently, no annual fee is collected.


Executive positions are required to be filled in each academic year. The following executive positions exist:

  1. President
    • Presides at meetings of the Council
    • Is responsible for the actions and for the guidance of the affairs of the Council
    • Is co-signer of cheques and co-receiver of monies
  2. VP Finance
    • Receives monies due to the Council, keeps all books pertaining to their office, makes all payments, prepares cash and balance sheets, and has audits as appropriate
    • Is co-signer of cheques and co-receiver of monies
  3. VP Internal
    • Is responsible for the recording the minutes of meetings of the Council and to present these for approval at the following meetings of the Council
    • To coordinate and be responsible for facilities and services operated by the Council
    • To keep up-to-date the CSGCC website
    • To perform the duties of the Treasurer in his/her absence
  4. VP Social
    • Organizes a variety of academic and non academic events for the Graduate Students within the Council
    • To perform the duties of the VP External in his/her absence

The Executive shall be empowered to act for the Council in matters concerning its routine business, subject to the instruction of the Council.

Representative positions are optionally filled in each academic year. The following representative positions exist:

  1. MSc Representative
    • Acts as a resource for Graduate Students in the Council registered in the MSc program
    • Attends department meetings to represent these students
  2. PhD Representative
    • Acts as a resource for Graduate Students in the Council registered in the PhD program
    • Attends department meetings to represent these students
  3. Faculty/Staff Liason
    • Liaisons with faculty and staff about the on goings of the Graduate Council

Additional Representatives or their alternates, where permitted by the receiving body, may be chosen by the Council or appointed by its Executive, from time to time.

Selection of Officers

  1. Representatives and Executive members (the Officers) normally shall be chosen each July from Members, by election at a Meeting, and shall continue in office until their successors are chosen
  2. An Officer may resign by tendering his/her resignation to the Executive
  3. An Officer may be removed from office by majority vote at a Meeting
  4. If an Executive office becomes vacant, there shall within one month be a Meeting where a by-election to fill the vacancy is held.


  1. The Council shall meet when determined by the Executive, at least once every four months
  2. All members in good standing may attend and vote at any Meeting
  3. Quorum for Meetings shall be at least one quarter of the number of members, including at least half of the Executive
  4. A petition signed by ten percent of Members may with one week’s notice call a special Meeting to discuss and vote upon any matter
  5. At least one week’s notice must be given of any Meeting at which Officers are to be elected or removed, or the Constitution amended
  6. The Constitution may be amended at a Meeting by a two-thirds majority of those voting, or a simple majority of the membership